Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Journey with Me

Hi there! My name is Dana. I created this space as a place to share the things I learn along this journey I call life. I am a Jesus follower, wife, twin mom and dog mom. I work in marketing/sales analytics and I’m a sort of Jane of All Trades, interested in all things nature, gardening, cooking, crafting, traveling, exploring and learning new things. This blog is a conglomeration of my interests, hobbies, life and life lessons. Thanks for stopping by!

Latest Blog Posts

  • I was introduced to chimichurri a number of years ago, and immediately loved it. At its core, it’s a bright green sauce, made with herbs (typically parsley and oregano) , garlic, olive oil and red wine vinegar — looking akin to a pesto. I don’t make it often, but I should! There are so many…

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  • Spring is officially here — hooray! My crocuses are up, the robins are back and I’m ready to come out of hibernation. Spring is my favorite season. Don’t get me wrong: I love summer and fall, but spring has the distinct honor of being the first season that is classified as “not winter.”  And “not…

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  • You guys: this is important! This is exciting! This is not an ordinary book review! This book review is special in two regards: 1) it was authored by a dear friend, Kelly Young, who worked tirelessly and put countless hours into creating this powerful and compelling resource, and 2) it conveys the most important information…

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  • A few weeks ago, I came across the #MakeoverMonday challenge on Twitter — which is a weekly data visualization challenge put out by Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel.  The aim is to rework an existing dataset and visualization (viz) into a new creation — as a way to learn, grow and think about how to communicate data…

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  • Last year, Tom and I took an amazing trip out to Colorado. After visiting with some family in Denver, we rented a car and drove in a big circle clockwise around the state, stopping in several little towns along the way. My favorite was Ouray. This little mountain town booms at 4th of July —…

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  • So, I have this thing where I’m not a big fan of cooked fruit. At least, I have claimed that as my basis for not liking most pies. Now, I’ve come to enjoy berry pies (especially when they include fresh berries), and I’ve always liked blueberry muffins. But recently, I’ve been getting into more cooked…

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  • W June 16, 2017 marks our ten year wedding anniversary. Crazy. A whole decade of life, lived together. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has always been worth it. There is something about two imperfect people coming together and committing the rest of their lives to one another that is at once beautiful and…

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  • I know what you’re thinking: rabbit? How can you eat rabbit?! I know, I know. They are cute and furry, and that is hard to get over. However, our CSA farmer raised rabbits for eating last year, and I decided I wanted to give it a try. Did you know that rabbit is one of…

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  • About a year ago, Tom and I were at my aunt’s house and she fed us this amazing meal with a homemade beef and barley soup.  I had never had anything quite like it and, since it was delicious, I asked for the recipe. I’ve been meaning to make it ever since, and recently started…

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  • Grief and Joy: Part Two

    In part one of this blog series I focused mostly on the grief side, with the loss of our first dog, Happy Gilmore. While we are still sad and miss him dearly, we’ve also been able to experience new joys with the new dog we adopted a couple of weeks ago. Meet Copernicus — or,…

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