Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Journey with Me

Hi there! My name is Dana. I created this space as a place to share the things I learn along this journey I call life. I am a Jesus follower, wife, twin mom and dog mom. I work in marketing/sales analytics and I’m a sort of Jane of All Trades, interested in all things nature, gardening, cooking, crafting, traveling, exploring and learning new things. This blog is a conglomeration of my interests, hobbies, life and life lessons. Thanks for stopping by!

Latest Blog Posts

  • The Joys of Motherhood

    Mother’s Day can be a hard day. I think of the years I longed to be a mom, but wasn’t. The year after I lost a baby and my chance at biological children. And even now, rejoicing in the chance to be a mom, but tempered by the reality that I’m only a mom because…

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  • Inviting in the Good: Lessons from Weeding in the Woods

    I have an enemy. An enemy encroaching on my territory and trying to take over. Poisoning those within reach and advancing position every time I look. My enemy’s name? Alliaria petiolata. Otherwise known as: garlic mustard. As one of my aunts once put it, with a name like that, it’s no wonder it’s an invasive,…

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  • A New Rheumatologist for Rheumatoid Awareness Day

    Here we are. February 2, 2024. Rheumatoid Awareness Day. As I type this, I am sitting in the waiting room at my rheumatologist’s office. Only, it’s not “my” rheumatologist’s office anymore. You see, I had been going to the same doctor for over 16 years. He’s the one who got me to a healthy place…

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  • Who Dares Despise the Day of Small Things?

    As we ring in the New Year, I want to reflect a bit on this past year. In 2023, I didn’t make a New Year’s resolution, but I did pick a Bible verse that I put next to my bed so that it could be a reminder for me throughout the year. It was from…

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  • Happy Birthday to Me: 39 Things that Happened This Year

    Today is my 39th birthday. It also is the two year anniversary of when we adopted our twins. It’s a doubly special day around here! Normally I like to do a annual summary of the year around New Years, but as I’m behind on blogging, I decided my birthday was a good time to reflect…

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  • The Exploding Jack ‘O Lantern: Kids Science and Sensory Activity

    It’s almost Halloween — a holiday that was one of my favorites as a kid, because who doesn’t love a day of dressing silly and collecting loads of candy? But I’ve also always loved pumpkins. Pumpkins, squash, gourds — I find all of the colors and shapes fascinating and have enjoyed growing them in my…

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  • My Gardening Paradise

    My Gardening Paradise

    It is true that a lot has happened over the past few years. One of them was that we moved to a new house. New house meant new gardens. I was sad to leave behind my perennials (though we know the new owners and they graciously let me dig a few things up!) and the…

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  • Learnings from Three Years of Parenthood

    Wow. It has been nearly three years since I have blogged. It’s hard to know where to begin again, but I would be remiss if I did not begin where I left off. The last time I posted, we had just become full-time parents through foster care, leading into adoption. It took a year after…

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  • Full-Time Parents — to Twin Toddlers!

    Happy New Year! 2021 is off to a great start in our household. I can now officially say that we are full-time parents! If you know us well or have been following our journey at all, you know that we have struggled with infertility and after a rough go with IVF, we decided to pursue…

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  • Part-Time Parents

    Part-Time Parents

    It’s hard to believe it has been a year since we started our journey into the world of foster care, and yet so much has happened since then. Getting licensed to become foster parents is quite the process in itself. After completing huge stacks of paperwork, background checks, home visits with interviews that lasted a…

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