Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Journey with Me

Hi there! My name is Dana. I created this space as a place to share the things I learn along this journey I call life. I am a Jesus follower, wife, twin mom and dog mom. I work in marketing/sales analytics and I’m a sort of Jane of All Trades, interested in all things nature, gardening, cooking, crafting, traveling, exploring and learning new things. This blog is a conglomeration of my interests, hobbies, life and life lessons. Thanks for stopping by!

Latest Blog Posts

  • Fostering Hope in the New Year

    2019 was a bit of a rollercoaster. And the ride has just begun! After a rough start to the year health-wise for me, things got even more intense as we navigated our journey with IVF. After that loss and the whole terrible experience (and poor results), we decided that that was the end of the…

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  • Our Story Part 3: Pregnant for a Minute

    I have a story to tell. It does not have a happy ending. But, perhaps, it has no ending at all. Perhaps we are still in the middle of the story, and this is just the hard part. This is the story of the past seven years, which I will share in segments over a…

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  • Our Story Part 2: My IVF Experience

    I have a story to tell. It does not have a happy ending. But, perhaps, it has no ending at all. Perhaps we are still in the middle of the story, and this is just the hard part. This is the story of the past seven years, which I will share in segments over a…

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  • Our Story Part 1: My Fertility Journey

    I have a story to tell. It does not have a happy ending. But, perhaps, it has no ending at all. Perhaps we are still in the middle of the story, and this is just the hard part. This is the story of the past seven years, which I will share in segments over a…

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  • Trick Dog Training: Roll Yourself in a Blanket

    One of my goals for 2019 was to work with my dog, Copernicus (or Copper for short), on earning various levels of Trick Dog Titles. I did not know that Trick Dog Titles were a thing until recently and when I found out, I knew it was the perfect winter activity for Copper and me…

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  • A Year in Review: Highlights of 2018

    As another year comes to a close and a new one begins, I’d like to take some time to reflect on 2018 and some of the highlights from my year. It seems that each year goes by faster than the last, and I think that makes it all the more important to reflect back and…

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  • Thirst and Living Water

    Thirst and Living Water

    Have you ever been thirsty? I mean really thirsty. Parched. Cotton mouth. Where it’s painful to even swallow. How about in a situation where you had no water and didn’t know where to get some? Perhaps on a hike or other adventure that was longer or hotter than expected. Think about that moment of thirst.…

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  • These are a few of my favorite things

    This week, I turned 34. It’s hard to believe how quickly the years are starting to go by. One of the challenges I find in life is to not get bogged down by negativity. I’ve been talking with a couple of friends recently about recapturing joy and focusing on the simple things in life. I’ve…

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  • A Glass of Gratitude

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. As we sit around the table with our turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes, many of us can think of a thousand things to be thankful for — but that clear liquid in your glass is one great gift that is often overlooked. Water. Clean water. Did you know that one in…

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  • My husband, Tom, and I recently returned from an 8-day trip in Iceland. Iceland? “Why Iceland,” you may ask. Iceland first came on my radar as a potential vacation destination four years ago when we were planning our trip to England, Wales and Ireland. There are several airlines that have layovers in Reykjavik, the capital…

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