Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Twice Baked Potatoes & Arugula Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing

Twice Baked potatoes and arugula salad with warm bacon dressingI’ve seen several recipes for salads with a warm bacon dressing, and I have to admit, I was intrigued. I’ve been wanting to try it out for some time now and finally got a chance to last night. 

I was in the midst of making some other food for the week to come and bacon was one of my ingredients. I had some extra and planned to use it to make twice baked potatoes (one of my favorite foods ever!) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try bacon dressing — not to mention I had also just purchased a bunch of arugla from the store. 

This is a simple, light dinner, perfect for days like yesterday when we had a late lunch!  I ended up making up my own salad dressing recipe based on a couple that I saw and the ingredients I had on hand.  Here are both recipes:

Twice Baked Potatoes


  • Large Russet baking potatoes (one per person)
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Green Onions, thinly sliced
  • Bacon Bits (much better if it’s from fresh, fried bacon)
  • Butter
  • Pepper
  • Milk


Cut slits in potatoes so they don’t explode in the oven (trust me, it CAN happen!). Bake at 400 degrees for an hour (don’t cover with foil — you want the skin to get tough and crispy!). Cut an oval shaped opening in the top of each potato and remove that section of skin. Scoop out the insides of the potatoes into a bowl. Add cheddar cheese, green onions and bacon bits (the more the better, I say, but add as much as you like). Add 1 Tbsp. of butter for each potato and pepper to taste. Mix well until all butter is melted. If the mixture looks too thick, you can add a Tbsp. of milk until it resembles very thick mashed potatoes. Spoon potato mixture back into the now shoe-shaped potato skins. Cook for an additional 15 minutes or until the tops start to get crispy! Yum!

Arugula Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing

  • 5 slices of bacon
  • 1 1/2 cups of arugula
  • 3 green onions, thinly sliced
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Sugar


Fry bacon in a frying pan or skillet over medium high heat until browned. Set side to cool, then crumble into bits; reserve bacon grease in skillet. Add bacon bits, green onions, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, the juice of 1/4 lemon and a pinch of sugar to bacon grease. Heat and stir until onions are wilted. Pour hot over a bed of arugula.

Honestly, I didn’t measure anything in the salad/dressing, so the above are just guesses and you may need to adjust to taste. The lemon juice gave it a very unique taste, but I thought all of the flavors went really well together. I thought that the arugula would wilt more than it did — I didn’t really have that much dressing, so that may be why. I thought it was great the way it was, though. Tom ate all his, but wasn’t sure of his overall opinion 🙂  I plan to make it again, and then maybe he’ll decide. 

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