Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts

I couldn’t remember what I had planned to make for dinner tonight.  I thought about it briefly while I was at work, but by the time I got home, I still had no idea what I had meant to make or what I was going to do.  I just went grocery shopping yesterday, so I figured it couldn’t be that hard to come up with something.  As I started running through the foods in my fridge, I came up with an idea that I’ve been wanting to try for a while now: stuffed chicken breasts.  I didn’t really know what I wanted to stuff them with, however, but I was thinking maybe spinach.  I looked up several recipes on and gleaned some helpful insights, but none of them were exactly what I was looking for.  So, I made up my own dish.  I will do my best to recount the recipe and measurements, though I didn’t actually measure anything.


– 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
– 1 cup fresh spinach leaves
– 1 Tbsp olive oil
– 1/3 cup feta cheese
– 1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
– 3 Tbsp. sour cream
– 1-2 cloves of garlic, minced
– 2 slices of prosciutto
– seasonings to taste


Pound out chicken breasts to flatten (I don’t have a good meat tenderizer or mallet, so mine weren’t all that thin, and it still worked).  Put spinach and olive oil in a food processor and pulse until spinach is finely chopped.  Add cheeses, sour cream and garlic and process until well combined.  Spoon spinach mixture onto the middle of each chicken breast, then roll up both sides and secure with a toothpick in the middle.  Wrap a piece of prosciutto around each chicken breast and secure with additional toothpicks, if necessary.  Bake chicken at 350-375 degrees for about an hour.

It really was not that difficult to make.  It would’ve been quick and easy (besides the hour wait while it bakes) if I had already had my chicken thawed when I got home!  I ended up putting some red skin potatoes and onions in the oven at the same time as the chicken.  I figured they’d both be done about the same time and it would make an easy side dish!

For a made up recipe, I thought this turned out pretty well — plus, the presentation is great!

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