Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Kitchen Creations

I’m behind on posting my recent recipes and cooking adventures, so I’m going to post some of what I’ve been cooking over the past couple months all together here.  I’ve tried a few new things and made up a few of my own recipes.

Chicken Parmesan & Roasted Vegetables

Veggies were roasted I think with just olive oil, salt, pepper & garlic.  All was good except the Brussels sprouts — I think I had them around too long and they got bitter!

Delicious Calzones
For some reason, I hadn’t made calzones in a long time.  I think I’ve been getting lazy and sticking with the thin crust pizza most of the time.  These really are amazing, though…I’ll have to put them back on my dinner menu again soon!  
BONUS: you can use the extra pizza sauce for the chicken parmesan above, or vise versa.

Mac & Cheese with Broccoli

 Caramelized Onion, Spinach & Olive Oil Bread

I found this recipe on Pinterest, and it sounded interesting, so I decided to try it out!  I didn’t have any feta cheese on hand, so I left that out.  It was pretty good!  It’s very different, so I wasn’t really sure what to serve it with.

Pasta with Creamy Green Sauce

I am not sure that I can remember the exact recipe for this, but I had some leftover ricotta cheese that I mixed with spinach, olive oil and chicken broth in a food processor.  I think I seasoned it with salt and garlic, the tossed with penne pasta and some toasted pine nuts.  I liked it!  I don’t think Tom was too impressed — it was too green and too closely resembled pesto, which he doesn’t like.

Lemon Chicken with Noodles & Vegetable Medley

For this dish, I dredged the chicken in some flour mixed with some Mrs. Dash, and cooked in a skillet with lots of lemon juice.  The noodles just had some butter, salt, parsley and a little squeeze of lemon juice — yum!!  I even used a little bit of lemon in the vegetables.  All was very good.  I need to do mixed veggies like this more often.  And find more things I can serve buttered noodles with!

Goat Cheese Ravioli with Lemon Sauce

I had only tried making ravioli once before — with the Swiss chard from my garden last year.  I found the above recipe online and thought it sounded delicious!  For some reason, I could not find arugula at the store, so I tried Frisee — which I discovered had no flavor.  The sauce was really tasty (hello, it’s butter!).  I think I’d change the filling in the ravioli next time, though.  The goat cheese was okay, but not my favorite…and I thought it needed more flavor overall.  Still, a fun cooking project!

Taco Night!!

 Mini Cheesy Quiche

I made these for a game night we had a couple of weeks ago.  I had never tried making a regular quiche before, let alone mini quiches.  They really weren’t too hard to make and they tasted delicious!  This is definitely a keeper recipe.

One response to “Kitchen Creations”

  1. Clicked on the Mac 'n Cheese link and was quite pleased. It will need to be a non-broccoli version for the kids to eat it though. ◕‿◕


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