Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



The Best of 2012

As the year comes to a close, I wanted to take a few minutes to remember some of the things we did and things that happened in 2012.  I feel like it was a whirlwind of a year, but here’s a brief memoir of what I can remember from the activities done, people visited and places traveled!

We rang in 2012 with some friends of ours on the east side of the state — actually our friends that we went backpacking with on Isle Royale.  This year started out a bit rough, as I was transitioning medications for rheumatoid disease, and it took some time for the new meds to kick in.  However, it was a busy winter and my bible study group really kept me going (and helped to keep me from hibernating all season long!).  We also went to what I will call a “super hockey weekend” in Detroit where we got to see two Red Wings games in three days.  The Friday night game was special because it was Holmstrom’s 1,000th NHL game.  The Sunday game was special because it was the day that the Red Wings tied the record for most consecutive home wins.  Oh, and we we were right on the glass for both games!  (Thanks, Dad!)

At the end of February / beginning of March I took my first trip to New York City.  I had a work event there for just one evening, but ended up visiting a friend from New Jersey for a couple of days.  She showed me around a bit of NYC and we went to the American Museum of Natural History where we proceeded to find the one and only platypus there!

Sadly, Tom and I *still* have not completely finished our winter house project, but we did get all of the crucial parts done this year.  Now, we just have to install our own bedroom closet doors (along with some fancy lighting…and take down the old track lighting, add a ceiling fan, etc.).  We also got some furniture for our downstairs bedroom (thanks to Tom’s family!) so now we can actually use it as a guest room!

Spring came early this year, despite the groundhog’s predictions (actually, we never really did get a winter), and an early spring meant early gardening!  Unfortunately, due to deer and drought my garden did not flourish this year.  I still thoroughly enjoyed my time in the garden and the food I was able to harvest, though.  I did try some new things like in the garden this year like Swiss chard, carrots, potatoes and asparagus, and I was even inspired to try some new recipes because of it!

A few changes were ushered in this year… Tom started a new job in April, which has really been a great opportunity and experience for him.  He works in IT and has a more challenging and interesting role now.  Then, this June my brother got married and we all got to travel down to Florida for the ceremony.  It was a wonderful way to welcome my new sister-in-law to the family!  We also went on a cruise around the Western Caribbean, which was our big summer trip for the year.  Of course, we also did a weekend in Charlevoix for a family reunion and our annual trip to Manistee with Tom’s family.

 As summer went on, my health started to get better, which has been a huge relief.  Much of the summer and fall were spent between family events, baby showers, weddings and the like.  There was hardly a weekend we were home.  We had to do a late-season camping trip because summer was so packed — but we can’t skip a year of camping!  A new season of bible study and a new season of teaching Sunday school started up in the Fall, which has continued to keep my weeks full.  I’ve also continued volunteering with (and am now a board member of) the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF).

October brought on our annual Halloween Party, where Tom took away the prize for best costume as we dressed him up like Cap’n Crunch!  We had a big birthday celebration in November at my mom’s house, which was a lot of fun — by “big” I mean that it was for three people: me, my brother and his wife.  We all have late fall birthdays, so I think we are starting a new tradition of having one big day to celebrate together.  Tom was working like crazy all fall, with some major upgrade projects at work.  I was busy at the same time prepping for my trip to Washington, DC with the RPF — for the ACR Annual Scientific Meeting (which was simply amazing!).

Just a few days after I got back fro DC, Tom and I left for a road trip.  We traveled from Michigan to Niagara Falls, Canada, on to Boston to visit some friends, who went with us to Vermont where we spent Thanksgiving, before we traveled back to Michigan via Toronto.  Yes, that run-on sentence was pretty much what our trip was like!  I have yet to post a blog about that…somebody remind me later.

And, before I knew it, it was December – my birthday, a big Lord of the Rings marathon with friends (prior to seeing The Hobbit, of course), and then Christmas!  We spent Christmas weekend with Tom’s family this year; we had a brunch with my dad before we left town, and will be celebrating with my mom and brother this coming weekend before we head up north with friends to close out the year.

*Whew*  I’m sure I missed some important details and events, but at nearly midnight as I type this, that’s as best as I can remember!  Here’s to another great year — cheers!

One response to “The Best of 2012”

  1. Fun to hear more about your life Dana!


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