Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Halloween Party – 2012

This is what my sink looked like Thursday night when I was
almost done with my cooking!

It’s hard to believe but we just had our 9th Annual Halloween party!  Due to some other conflicts we had to have the party on a Friday night this year, which was a little chaotic.  Wednesday was my cleaning day.  Thursday was my cooking day.  And Friday, was rush around to do the last minute prep after work before people started coming over.  I made another giant pot of chili, cooked in the turkey roaster which can also be used as a ginormous crock pot.  There were lots of leftovers, so I have lots of freezer meals 🙂

Giant pot of chili!!
Another cute idea I stole — a pumpkin-shaped cheese ball!

Tom and I both had “cartoon-ish” costumes this year.  I was Velma from Scooby Doo, and Tom was Cap’n Crunch!  

Jinkies!  You want a Scooby Snack??

Crunchatize me, Cap’n!

Oh yes, it’s a home-made mustache, too!

I actually found the majority of our costumes at Goodwill.  I could not believe my luck when I found an orange turtle neck sweater, red shoes, a red skirt AND a wig for my Velma costume!  I had the glasses already and the socks I borrowed from a friend.  I made a box of Scooby Snacks by snagging some images of the “Snausages” brand Scooby Snacks.

I found Tom’s blue jacket at Goodwill, too.  It was actually a ladies blazer….shhh!!  We didn’t realize until looking at a picture of Cap’n Crunch how ridiculously high his collar comes up.  I had to attach some foam to the blazer to make that, and used a combination of foam and felt for the rest of the jacket decorations.  The hat I made out of foam padding; I don’t know what it’s actually called but I found it at Jo-Ann Fabrics.  We just had to spray paint it so it was the right color!  Also, the Captian’s eyebrows are kind of floating up above his hat.  Not sure why.  Cartoons are funny like that.  Tom won our costume contest…kind of not fair, being hosts and all…but I also feel like his winning should be my winning since I made almost the entire costime 🙂

And now, for the pumpkins.  The first one I modeled after “Mutant Enemy” productions, since we’ve been watching a lot of Joss Whedon stuff this fall – including going through the Firefly series with some friends and now getting addicted to Dollhouse.

The second one I saw on Pinterest and one of my friends carved it for me!  She did a good job.  He looks so worried.  I have more spiders now…but haven’t gotten an updated photo.

We had a discussion about how if you had spiders crawling all over you, you would probably DO something about it rather than just sitting there and looking worried.  However, Tom pointed out: “Well, what if you were just a head, without a neck? What would you do?”  Touche.  I guess all you can do is sit there and look worried!

And, finally, we have Halloween, the actual day, on Wednesday.  I may have to dress up as Velma again just so I can offer Scooby Snacks to our trick-or-treaters that stop by.  We’re employing the same methods as last year to try to lure kids to our end of the neighborhood by giving away full sized candy bars!  This will be year number two, so we’ll find out if last year was successful in training the kids to come this way or not!

One response to “Halloween Party – 2012”

  1. Hi Dana,Thanks for sending this blog. Your costumes were great! Tom looks just like the Captain. You, my dear, look a little more like me! With that darker hair and hair style. (I used to have that style, somewhere along the way.) It's very short now. The chili looked good too! We will have to compare recipes. Have a blessed day Baby!


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