Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Onward to Washington: ACR, RPF and a Video Contest

Last November, I spent a weekend in Chicago and was able to attend a brief part of the American College of Rheumatology’s Annual Scientific Meeting which was being held there.  I spent a day working in the Exhibit Hall on behalf of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF), met other patients with Rheumatoid Disease that I had previously only known online, and also met a whole host of other online friends through a Tweetup.  You can read about my experience here — it was truly amazing.

Because of that, I decided that I would like to attend the entire ACR event this year, or at least be there for each day that the RPF booth will be open in the Exhibit Hall.  This year’s event will be held November 9 thru November 14 in Washington, DC, and I will be there along with a  group of RA patient volunteers to represent the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation.  We will share information from the patient’s perspective and also share information about the RPF to the attendees.  

This year, since I will be there for much longer, I am hoping to have the opportunity to also attend some scientific sessions.  Many hot topics in rheumatology, new research and new treatments will be presented and discussed.  There are TONS of sessions throughout the course of the event, and it’s hard just to sift through them all!  However, I did pick out a few that sounded interesting, and I’m looking forward to hearing information directly from the experts.

I am so excited for this opportunity, but I have a few fears, as well.  Firstly, I will be traveling alone this year.  Tom won’t be able to get time off work to join me — but I’ll be meeting up with friends as soon as I arrive and I’m sure I’ll be kept busy the whole time!  But I don’t like the traveling alone part.  Also, I don’t like big cities.  Traveling alone to big cities is not my idea of fun.  I managed to get to New York City and back on my own earlier this year, so I guess it’s onward to Washington!  

I’m also slightly concerned about the physical toll the event will take on me.  I plan on being at the exhibit booth most of the time — standing and walking around talking to people.  Last year, just the two days I was there wreaked havoc on  my feet and knees.  This year, I’m coming prepared — with prednisone!  I just picked up my prescription.  I’ll do a short 10-day burst just like I did for Isle Royale and hopefully forestall any RD attacks.  I have been feeling well lately, too (versus last year), so hopefully that will also play in my favor!

One initiative of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation is to explore the idea of changing the name of “Rheumatoid Arthritis”.  Many patients, myself included, do not like the “a” word, because of it’s seemingly universal association with osteoarthritis.  It makes RA-awareness a difficult task because people already have incorrect, preconceived notions about what RA is.  You’ll notice that many of us have already begun to use terms like “Rheumatoid Autoimmune Disease” or simply “Rheumatoid Disease” interchangeably with RA.

So, the RPF is sponsoring a video contest and is asking people: “What is the most important REASON TO YOU for the name of the disease to be changed?”  Click here for details on how to enter.   One grand prize winner will receive a free digital camera, and two first prize winners will receive iTunes gift cards!

I’ll be sharing my experiences at ACR and I look forward to representing the RPF as we strive toward better awareness, education and research!

5 responses to “Onward to Washington: ACR, RPF and a Video Contest”

  1. Hi Dana. I found your blog through your onset story on RA Warrior. I'm also in West Michigan. Still waiting for an official diagnosis, but my primary thinks I have RA. I've been waiting almost 6 months to get see a Rheumatologist on this side of the state, so I tried U of M, where I have an appointment in December. I've been putting the wait time to good use learning as much as I can about the disease. Thanks for providing another source of info!


  2. Hi Amy – nice to meet another West Michigander! Wow – I can't believe you can't get in around here for 6 months! I am from the Detroit area originally and kept going to a rheumy in Southfield for a while. Now I'm at West Michigan Rheumatology in Grand Rapids ( — with Dr. Head, who I would highly recommend. I'm glad you at least have an appointment coming up soon, though. I am sorry that you are facing this, but I hope you get a clear diagnosis and if it is RA that you can begin treating it right away. Blessings to you!


  3. Small world, I'm from the Detroit area too. Sterling Heights. I came to Kalamazoo to go to WMU and never left. Like you, my symptoms are not crippling (yet?), but very characteristic of RA. It all started with a big flare in June. Fever, joint pain all over my body. I could hardly move in the morning. One day my 6 year old had to help me get dressed because I couldn't straighten or raise my arms. My doc got me in right away and ran blood work. My RF was negative but ANA was positive, so she referred me to a Rheumy. The flare went away and I thought I was crazy, but then about 3 weeks later I had another few days of flushed skin and some joint pain. Then nothing again for a month. In August I started having chronic pain, swelling and stiffness in my hands and wrists. It seems to be slowly getting worse and I'm starting to have some difficulty with certain tasks, especially in the morning. Slowly a few toes, my knees and now my elbows are joining in on the fun. I have no doubt that I have RA. After reading other people's experiences with RA, I feel very blessed to have a family doc that recognized my symptoms right away. Thanks for the link to your doctor. It's nice to have recommendations in case I need a second opinion. 🙂


  4. How funny…I came to GR to go to GVSU and never left 🙂 Yes, sounds very characteristic of RA. Hooray for your GP for recognizing it! I know I thought I was going crazy at first, too. Sometimes I still do 🙂 Hope your rheumatologist helps you find something that will keep the disease in check for you!


  5. I almost went to GVSU! The patient decision aids on your doc's website have been very informative. I like to educate myself when it comes to managing my health, so thanks again for that link.


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