Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



What's New in the Garden…Since Yesterday!

garden pathway - perennials and vegetable gardenWhen I come home from work in the evening I like to take a stroll through my garden.  I find it relaxing and peaceful and fun.  I say that as if I actually had a large garden to spend time walking through — my garden area consists of a path about 20 feet long, leading from the back door of our garage to our deck behind the house, with perennials on one side and a vegetable plot on the other.  But, I examine my flowers and my vegetables to see how things are growing, etc. and can easily spend a considerable amount of time out there.  I was about to head out the back door tonight when Tom asked where I was going.  I told him and asked if he wanted to look at the garden with me.  He replied that he had just seen it…like yesterday.  Had anything changed since yesterday?  I told him I’d report back.

Indeed, much has changed since yesterday!  That’s the amazing thing about plants.  They can grow so fast (though mine always seem to be off to a slow start…), and change literally overnight.  Here’s a photo summary of changes in my garden…since yesterday.

baby lettuce salad greens
I thinned out my lettuce because it was all growing too close together;
I ended up with a nice bowl full of baby salad greens!

potato plant
My potato plants just about doubled in size!

baby asparagus plants
One more asparagus plant is poking through the ground. Now I know that
9 out of my ten crowns I planted are actually growing! (BTW, I have no clue
if this is what my asparagus is supposed to look like at this point!)

snow pea plants and flower
The first flowers appeared on my pea plants!

carrot plant
My carrot plants have grown — must’ve been the rain!

green bean seedlings
The beans have officially sprouted.  Can’t wait for green beans!
blue delphinium flowers
My first blue delphinium flowers have bloomed!
This was our wedding flower, along with white daisies.

my garden plot
And just a glance at the gardens from the back corner of my veggie plot.

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