Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



Playing that horn…

Prompt: Play that horn. Want to hear a secret? You’re awesome. (It’s actually not even really a secret.) This is going to be hard for you, O Modest One, but you gotta give yourself props today. Write three things you love about yourself – things you’re great at – or just want to share. Don’t you dare signpost or undercut those self-compliments!

Well, I’m not exactly sure how to start this one, but I guess I will share three things that I think are among my greatest strengths.  Gosh, I feel like I’m on a job interview or something… let me know how I rate 😉

1. I’m a good problem solver
Critical thinking and problem solving have always been areas of strength for me.  It may be partly because I am often very determined and even stubborn so that I don’t want to give up on something until I have the problem solved.  It also means that I like to find the answers to my own questions and do a lot of digging on my end before asking somebody else for help or advice.  I’ve always enjoyed a challenge and I like to figure things out for myself.  Problem solving allows for a different type of creative thinking, which I often find to be fun.

2. I’m a fast learner
I alwasy exceled in academics, and I think the primary reason is just that I can learn things quickly.  There wasn’t any one subject area that I was particularly good at — it was just the learning process in general, which has helped to form me into an intellectually well-rounded person and the Jane of All Trades that I am rather than a specialist or expert in any particular area.  As you can tell from the basis of my blog, I am always interested in learning new things and, again, enjoy a new challenge.  Whether it’s a hobby, an academic topic of interest, a new computer program, or what have you – if it’s something I decide I want to learn, I can usually obtain at least a basic competence.

3. I’m easy to get along with
I have a pretty easy-going personality, I dislike conflict, and I do genuinely care for other people.  I think that combination makes me an easy person to get along with (most days!).  Although I’m often very shy, I can make friends with anyone who’s willing.  You just might have to start the conversation 🙂


I can also make a pretty awesome fish face:

It’s skills like these that have gotten me where I am today 😉

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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