Isle Royale coastline, Michigan, Lake Superior



I Love Fall!

I really do.  Pumpkins, cornucopias, the smell of freshly fallen or even burning leaves.  Dressing up and being goofy on Halloween.  Fresh pressed apple cider and donuts.  Plus, we happen to live in one of the most beautiful states during the early weeks of fall.  The leaves in Michigan are magnificent!  They were a little dull this year compared to last, but beautiful nonetheless.  

I also like to fill my home with the sights, colors, and scents of fall.  I’ve found a few crafty ideas in magazines that involve pumpkins and gourds, and I have taken to doing these each year, depending on what I can find at the farmer’s market.  One of my favorite simple things to do is to make candle holders out of miniature pumpkins (or the green & white squash that look like mini pumpkins – not sure what they are??).

I also like to use hollowed out pumpkins for a couple things… I like to use a small round pumpkin to use as a serving dish for Pumpkin Fluff Dip (serve with graham crackers or ginger snaps). Larger pumpkins I like to hollow out and use as a sort of decorative pot for mums!
But, my favorite is a vase made out of a Swan Gourd. I had seen this in a magazine several years ago, but couldn’t ever find the right kind of gourd. This year, I discovered a nearby farmer’s market that has the BEST selection of squash and gourds! We got quite a variety, and I was able to make my gourd vase! Just cut off the top of the gourd near the base of the ‘neck’. Hollow out what you can, and fill with water; add flowers! Mine lasted for a couple weeks before the gourd started to go bad.

2 responses to “I Love Fall!”

  1. Love the ideas about how to use the pumpkins! The candle inside the little pumpkin is brilliant! And the little flower vase I love.


  2. Thanks! I'd love to say that I came up with the ideas, but I didn't. It sure is fun, though 🙂


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